By the time you read this, Australian Road Rider will have a Super Soco TC Max in its garage, the new electric bike doing the commuting duties and some longer rides as we start to sample what’s going to be the future of at least some aspects of motorcycling.
So why a TC Max? Well, it’s a motorcycle, and that’s a good start… nothing against eBikes as such, but they aren’t what Australian Road Rider is here for.
And it’s got 180Nm of torque. Yeah, not a misprint, 180Nm. Electric engines are like that, so we kinda expect it to be awesome off the lights.
The motor is rated to 3900w with a peak of 5100 (yeah… we’re not sure what that really means yet, which is one reason why we’re glad we will have the bike for three months).
Of course range and performance of electric vehicles is always a bugbear, so the TC Max has three modes – #1 is a power saving mode, #3 high performance and #2 ‘balanced’…
I’ve ridden a Super Soco electric scooter and found it to be well put together, easy to ride, incredibly quiet and smooth… and I expect the TC Max to offer all those same features, except with motorcycle handling and much higher peorformance.
Interestingly the TC Max looks like it’s configured as a scooter – brakes are operated by hands, there’s no manual transmission (of course) and it’s LAMs approved but it’s no step-through. Non-motorcyclists won’t recognize it as a scooter.
Keep an eye on future issues of Australian Road Rider for reports on our time with the Super Soco TC Max.