Get ready for the Berry Charity Bike Show.
The Berry Charity Bike Show, presented by the Shoalhaven Classic Motorcycle Club, will take place on 4 May 2025 at the Berry Bowling Club.
Berry is a picturesque town located 143km south of Sydney just off the Princes Highway.
There will be plenty going on at the bike show including trophies, stalls, raffles and a sausage sizzle.
Motorcycle categories are:
- Best Classic European
- Best Classic British
- Best Classic Asian
- Best Classic American
- Best Classic Modified
- Best Ladies
- Best Competition
- Best Modern
- Best Dirt/Trail Bike
- Best Sidecar
- Unrestored
There will also be trophies for the Oldest Bike and Bike of The Show.
Public entry to the show is via a gold coin donation. Entry in display is $5 per bike.
Registration will be open from 8am, judging will take place from 12pm, and the presentation of trophies will take place from 1.30pm.
Money raised is in aid of the Shoalhaven Women’s Health Centre.