Tourer Face-Off
How do some of these potential ‘touring twins’ shape up against each other? There is, proverbially, more than one way to can a skit. Scan a cot. Skin a cat, that’s it. Sorry, puss. There […]
How do some of these potential ‘touring twins’ shape up against each other? There is, proverbially, more than one way to can a skit. Scan a cot. Skin a cat, that’s it. Sorry, puss. There […]
Sir Len’s shed A giant car and bike museum filled with mystery It’s probably true that, as I’m frequently told, I have one of the best jobs in the world. Editing a motorcycle magazine takes […]
Pub tip Recommend a hotel to your fellow cruiser riders. If there’s a pub that you like, just follow the template below and send us the details, including a few photos. cruiser@universalmagazines.com.au is the address. […]
Lucky 13? Brendan Nelson almost sounds as if he’s sorry he ponied up for his Hayabusa Photos: Keith Muir, BMW Factory, Brendan Nelson Europe’s largest motorcycle manufacturer was using this year’s Superbikes at the Island […]
Is the R the Aussie bike that the X wasn’t? Sometimes it’s hard for me to work out what the importers are thinking, but then I think I’m hardly Robinson Crusoe there. I remember riding […]
ABS has become well and truly affordable Anti-lock braking is the way of the future. Not only is it an all-round good thing and becoming better, it’s also going to be required on almost all […]
Bright Spark You don’t have to ride a big butch bike to have fun I made a huge mistake when Suzuki launched the progenitor of the Gladius, the SV650, in Australia. Much as I liked […]
Last year in Jerusalem One missed corner = one adventure Words and photos: Beaker What started off as a nice leisurely Sunday morning ride for breakfast turned into a mini adventure, complete with dirt tracks, […]
The Bear – Monday, November 30, 2009 Try selling to them… A few years ago, inspired by the large number of empty shops in Sydney’s CBD, I went to one of the more innovative bike […]
At first we thought this was a pre-production shot of a test helmet, but it isn’t. The Rjays Uni-composite SP2 R&D is meant to look like this. With its metallic gunmetal finish and, well, interesting […]
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